The Fiore del Carmelo School is a private institution
The Fiore del Carmelo School is a private institution
run by the Institute of our Lady of Carmel.
This congregation of Carmelite sisters was founded in Italy
in 1854 by Blessed Maria Teresa Scrilli.
The charism of the Institute is to provide quality Christian
and civic education to the young
from their most tender years to adolescence.
The Fiore del Carmelo School opened in June 2001
The Fiore del Carmelo School opened in June 2001
with classes in the nursery and kindergarten levels.
Through the years, the School added more levels until 2007 when it started offering the full complement of pre-school and elementary levels. In April 2008, Fiore graduated its first batch of grade VI pupils. From 18 pupils in 2001, Fiore now has 417 pupils. Fiore opens its doors to the children from the depressed areas. Constituting two thirds of the pupils at Fiore, these children are given scholarships to help them finish their basic education.
Twenty qualified teachers handle classes with a maximum size of 32. Other classes are smaller – thus ensuring quality education.
Classroom instruction is enhanced, and made more relevant through various curricular and extra-curricular activities. There are programs that help hone the singing, dancing and other creative talents of the pupils, academic competitions such as quiz bees, speech contests, art contests and the like that develop their mental capabilities and activities such as boy and girl scouting and sports that develop good behavior and values such as sportsmanship, and care and respect for others. Basic to its curriculum is the religious instruction.
Twenty qualified teachers handle classes with a maximum size of 32. Other classes are smaller – thus ensuring quality education.
Classroom instruction is enhanced, and made more relevant through various curricular and extra-curricular activities. There are programs that help hone the singing, dancing and other creative talents of the pupils, academic competitions such as quiz bees, speech contests, art contests and the like that develop their mental capabilities and activities such as boy and girl scouting and sports that develop good behavior and values such as sportsmanship, and care and respect for others. Basic to its curriculum is the religious instruction.
Aware that the education and training of the young must not end with elementary education, Fiore has instituted in June 2009 a secondary level with emphasis on science-technical-vocational education. Fiore’s vision includes providing its pupils a strong foundation for college for those who can afford to move on to higher education and providing those who cannot with skills such as carpentry, welding, plumbing, care giving, dressmaking, and cosmetology (to name a few) that will help them earn a living after high school.
Fiore Del Carmelo as a quality school that proviodes a Christian-value laden, civic-oriented and technical skills based education to the youth from the very tender years through adolescence.
To form and reform the minds and hearts of the pupils by Offering them opportunities to grow in faith and pursue the truth, to learn the principles of charity and hope, and live by them and to train them in skills for livelihood so that they may become better citizens of the country and of the world.
Beloved Fiore Del Carmelo School
We thank you for your love
You guide and protect us
Teaching love to all mankind
We thank you for your love
You guide and protect us
Teaching love to all mankind
Hail Fiore, Hail Fiore
Blessed Scrilli our guide
With God’s love and care
We’ve learned a lot to share
Hail Fiore, Hail Fiore
Blessed Scrilli our guide
With God’s love and care
We’ve learned a lot to share
Our Carmelites and teachers’ sacrifice
Will lead us to a better life
We pledge we won’t forget you.
Wish Mother Mary at our side
Will lead us to a better life
We pledge we won’t forget you.
Wish Mother Mary at our side
(Repeat Refrain)
Fiore Del Carmelo
Science - Technology High School
opened in June 2010 with 28 students.
The thrust of the secondary education curriculum
is to provide a strong education and training in science, technology as well as vocational components.
This year, the students take in addition to academic subjects Computer Technology and Carpentry
for the first and second quarters.
You can also help by supporting our scholars.
A. "Send - A - Child - to - School Program" -
A sponsor pays Php 5,000 a year to subsidize
the cost of education of a child in the Elementary School.
B. “Shaping Young Lives Sponsorship Program” –
B. “Shaping Young Lives Sponsorship Program” –
A sponsor pays Php 10,000 a year to subsidize
the cost of education of a child in High School.