The servant of God, Maria Teresa Scrilli,
was born in Monvarchi on May 15, 1825,
and died on November 14, 1889.
and died on November 14, 1889.
She was a prayerful child, and when she heard the Lord's call,
she struggled against all difficulties to become a Carmelite Sister.
She understood tha aim of her vocation was to lead souls to God.
She also loved the Blessed Virgin Mary dearly,
and dedicated to he the Institute
which she founded on October 15, 1854.
Thanks to her charism of providing
"a Christian education to the youth from their tender age,"
we have the Institute of the Sisters of Our Lady of Carmel
here in the Philippines. Our school, "Fiore Del Carmelo,"
is a tangible token of Blessed Mother Teresa's love
that has remained alive through the centuries.
She understood tha aim of her vocation was to lead souls to God.
She also loved the Blessed Virgin Mary dearly,
and dedicated to he the Institute
which she founded on October 15, 1854.
Thanks to her charism of providing
"a Christian education to the youth from their tender age,"
we have the Institute of the Sisters of Our Lady of Carmel
here in the Philippines. Our school, "Fiore Del Carmelo,"
is a tangible token of Blessed Mother Teresa's love
that has remained alive through the centuries.
Blessed Maria Teresa Scrilli (Maria Teresa of Jesus)
followed the path of Carmelite spirituality from her youth
and put it into practice in the apostolic life.
She dedicated herself to the education of young girls and women,
and to charitable works on behalf of the poor.
Together with her colleagues,
she founded a new religious institute at Montevarchi,
in the province of Arezzo in Italy,
which today is called the "Instituto di Nostra Signore del Carmelo".
She was declared venerable on December 20, 2003
and beatified in Fiesole in Italy on October 8, 2006.
(Oct. 8, 2006)